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From the Source to the Street: Mid-1990 Prices for Cannabis, Cocaine, and Heroin

NCJ Number
Intelligence Trends Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (1990) Pages: complete issue
Date Published
14 pages
This report contains the prices for cannabis, cocaine, and heroin at successive stages of production and trafficking.
Drug prices fluctuate depending on place, time of year, and local demand. The figures reported here are representative of the general prices for areas specified and are not necessarily a reliable guide to specific locations. Purities are based on averages of available information at the various stages of trafficking. Drug availability, demand, and law enforcement pressure will greatly affect purity and price. The information contained in this report is frequently requested by law enforcement officials and policymakers. It is not intended to be a measure of the value of drug seizures in terms of their retail sales price. Prices are cited for the drugs in the grower country or cultivation site; at embarkation or border points; at the brokers' level; at wholesale, mid-level and street level in the United States; and at successive stages of trafficking in various countries. Map showing drug source countries


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