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Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1985

NCJ Number
T J Flanagan, E F McGarrell
Date Published
694 pages
This sourcebook presents a wide variety of national criminal justice data for 1985.
Data were drawn from annual reports of the National Crime Survey; Uniform Crime Reports; U.S. and agency budget reports; public opinion polls; and other official court, corrections, and police sources. Data are presented by regions, States, and cities where possible. The first section provides statistics on the characteristics of the criminal justice system, including the number and type of agencies, their personnel, workloads, and expenditures. A section on public attitudes provides data on fear of victimization, capital punishment, prison reform, gun control, drug use, and the criminal justice system in general (police, courts, prisons). Indicators of the extent of illegal activities are provided by self-reported criminality and victimization statistics. A section on the characteristics and distribution of persons arrested provides information on offender profiles, clearances, and arrests. Data on juvenile and adult court processing provide information on the characteristics, dispositions, and sentences of defendants. The final section presents probation and parole data, and characterizes the population, movement, and execution of inmates in Federal and State prisons. Explanatory notes and narratives are provided with extensive tables and figures. Annotated listing of data sources and publishers and explanatory appendixes.