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Special Projects Division

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 1998
2 pages
The Special Projects Division (SPD) is the program development and training and technical assistance arm of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and serves such constituent groups as crime victims and their advocates, the criminal justice system, allied professionals, and the general public.

The three main responsibilities of the SPD are to establish and implement a series of national-scope training and technical assistance and demonstration programs that are designed to improve the treatment of crime victims, to launch special initiatives that address major issues and needs of the victims field, and to promote public awareness and disseminate information to assist crime victims and those who serve them. The Discretionary Grant Program Plan and Application Kit is an annual OVC initiative in which the SPD develops solicitations for training, technical assistance, and demonstration grant programs that target State and local criminal justice agencies, as well as victim service providers and allied professionals. Victim Services 2000 is a demonstration program administered by the SPD that is designed to develop adaptable blueprints for comprehensive, community-based service systems for crime victims. Public awareness is promoted by the SPD by organizing and convening symposia and focus groups addressing special topics. In addition, SPD staff assist in the development of OVC-generated materials designed to aid crime victims and those who serve them, such as informational bulletins and brochures, manuals, and training videos.