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Stains on a White Collar: Fourteen Studies in Corporate Crime or Corporate Harm

NCJ Number
P Grabosky, A Sutton
Date Published
288 pages
These 14 case studies are intended to show some of the ways in which Australian industries engage in harmful conduct and in which the companies and society respond to incidents of questionable corporate behavior.
Each paper describes the corporate conduct and the death, injury, or property loss caused; whether the losses occurred through negligence or through premeditation; and whether the conduct was essentially the work of an individual or a collective entity. The discussions also examine the factors that produced the corporate behavior, the governmental response to the incident, the outcome of the legal process, and the long-term consequences of the case. Ultimate legislative changes and reforms to the civil and criminal justice systems are also summarized. The cases were selected because they caused or had the potential to cause serious harm, took place in a variety of jurisdictions, involved a variety of corporate behavior, and occurred relatively recently. Chapter notes and index.