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States Trigger Federal Action

NCJ Number
State Government News Volume: 37 Issue: 8 Dated: (August 1994) Pages: 8-11
P Cohan
Date Published
4 pages
Struggles to enact gun control legislation in several states led to the Federal action in 1994 to require a waiting period for the purchase of handguns and to prohibit some semiautomatic weapons.
Connecticut banned assault weapons in October 1993, increased prison terms for criminals using assault-style weapons, and imposed a prison sentence of 2-10 years for selling a banned gun. Maryland legislators approved a ban on certain types of assault pistols. Led by California in 1989, five States have enacted legislation to ban some semiautomatic guns. Overall, legislation has been introduced in 27 States to restrict the use of assault weapons. Although it is politically risky to oppose guns in some parts of the country, it is a political advantage in other areas. Gun control is increasingly an issue of demographics rather than political party. Suburban legislators are increasingly joining their urban counterparts in supporting gun control. One supporter notes that gun control legislation was unthinkable 5 years ago, but the recent legislation has revealed that it is possible to beat the National Rifle Association. Photographs


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