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Statistical Tables Describing the Background Characteristics and Recidivism Rates of Releases From Massachusetts Correctional Institutions During 1978

NCJ Number
L T Williams
Date Published
53 pages
These statistical tables describe characteristics of persons released from Massachusetts correctional institutions during 1978, with corresponding recidivism rates.
The statistics are available for men released from Massachusetts Correctional Institution (MCI), the Northeastern Correctional Center, 3 forestry camps, 6 drug rehabilitation prerelease facilities, 14 prerelease centers, and 3 other facilities. Statistics are available for women from MCI at Framingham and two prerelease centers. A total of 1,118 persons (992 males and 126 females) were released from these correctional institutions. Statistics on recidivism are based on a 1-year followup from the data of the individual's release to the community. The statistics were derived from the computer data base developed by the Correction and Parole Management Information System. Statistics concern recidivism rates associated with individual characteristics with regard to release variables, nature of present offense, personal background characteristics, criminal history, furlough participation, and release followup variables. (Author summary modified)


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