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Statistical Tables Describing the Background Characteristics and Recidivism Rates of Releases From Massachusetts Correctional Institutions During 1978

NCJ Number
L T Williams
Date Published
53 pages
Statistics on the 1,118 individuals released through parole and discharge from Massachusetts correctional facilities in 1978 cover their background and criminal history characteristics and then relate recidivism rates to these variables.
The data for the 992 released males are from 6 correctional centers, 3 forestry camps, 6 drug rehabilitation prerelease facilities, 14 prerelease centers, and 3 other other specialized facilities. Data on the 126 females come from 1 correctional center and 2 prerelease centers. The followup period is 1 year from the date of release to the community, and a recidivist is defined as any person returning to any correctional institution for 30 days or more. Of the total group, 971 were paroled and 147 were discharged. Tables first present statistics describing the characteristics of released offenders for each correctional center, the forestry camps, and the prerelease facilities. They also contain the rates of recidivism cross-tabulated with each statistical category. For example, the tables show that those individuals released on parole from Walpole correctional center had a recidivism rate of 24 percent compared to a 4 percent recidivism rate for those discharged. Release variables examined include type of release, time served with jail credits, age at release, nature of present offense, court of committment, and age at incarceration. Personal background data cover sex, residence, education, employment, occupation, military discharge, drug use, marital status, and race. Information also is provided on criminal history, such as age at first arrest, prior charges, prior incarcerations, and juvenile crime, as well as furloughs and their outcomes. Followup data consider type of return, results of revocation hearings, parole violations, and new offenses. A glossary is appended. For related material, see NCJ-85747.


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