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Statistics on the Operation of Prevention of Terrorism Legislation: 1992 First Quarter

NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages
This document presents statistics pertinent to the operation of Great Britain's 1989 Prevention of Terrorism Act.
The act provides that the police may arrest suspected terrorists and detain them for 48 hours on their own authority, with the possibility of an extension or extensions of detention for a maximum of a further 5 days authorized by the Secretary of State. Also, the act mandates that persons involved in terrorism connected with the affairs of Northern Ireland may be excluded from Great Britain, Northern Ireland, or the United Kingdom. Police have powers to carry out a security check on travelers who enter or leave Great Britain, Northern Ireland, or the United Kingdom. Data indicate that 33 people were detained in Great Britain under the act in the first quarter of 1992; 31 of the detentions were associated with Northern Irish terrorism, and 2 were connected to international terrorism. Seven of those detained in the first quarter were either charged with an offense, deported, removed, or excluded. Of the 26 detentions in the first quarter not leading to a charge with an offense, deportation, removal, or exclusion, all were for a period under 48 hours. Fifty-seven persons were examined for more than 1 hour in the first quarter, but not detained. 6 tables and 12 notes