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Status of Knowledge in France (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 191-205, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
P Robert; Renouard J-M
Date Published
15 pages
This speech assesses the role of French research in the prevention of crime.
Research plays two essential roles in crime prevention: to keep preventive efforts on target by providing crucial information and to evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs. In France, adequate specific information sources such as victimization studies, attitude research, studies on population shifts, and studies on juvenile delinquency and drug addiction exist; however, French crime statistics which should provide an overall analysis of the crime situation are unwieldy and confusing. The author suggests the creation of a national agency which assimilates and synthesizes the different pieces of information, sets uniform standards for research, and coordinates results with the rest of Europe. In evaluating new programs, available research only partially fulfills its function because it often lacks clearly defined objectives and target populations. In addition, the design of many preventive programs is too broad and vague to lend itself to precise evaluation. 2 pages of references