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Status of Knowledge in the United Kingdom (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 155- 173, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
C Nuttall; J Shapland
Date Published
19 pages
This article summarizes British research concerning crime analysis, drug prevention, juvenile delinquency prevention, the prevention of recidivism, community-based crime prevention, and feelings of insecurity in the population.
Since any prevention effort must rely on an accurate analysis of the crime situation, the British Home Office makes crime information available to local agencies and the public. British drug prevention policy closely reflects scientific research and currently emphasizes informing the public of the dangers of drugs. Major research on juveniles has shown that occasional acts of delinquency are normal parts of adolescence; thus, the preventive policy aims at keeping the occasional delinquent out of the court system. This system of court diversion is currently the most innovative way of preventing recidivism in the United Kingdom. In community-based crime prevention, research has focused on evaluating numerous local programs such as Neighbourhood Watch and Safer Cities. Attitude research shows that the British public is not unduly alarmed about crime. 3 pages of references