This brief is part of a series that highlights findings from each of the data collection efforts associated with the Justice and Prevention Research Center’s evaluation of State School Safety Centers; it provides information on the general landscape of SSSCs, how they operate, and the services they provide.
This paper is the second part in a series of reports following an evaluation that sought to identify the history, characteristics, structure, activities, and perceived impacts of State School Safety Centers (SSSCs) across the United States. The paper provides key takeaways, background on SSSCs, a brief description of the evaluation’s methodology, goals of the evaluation study, a detailed breakdown and discussion of the evaluation’s findings, and a listing of references cited. Key findings suggest that most state legislation that guides SSSCs is focused on emergency management; SSSCs nationwide utilize a number of staffing models and their staff have expertise aligned with state legislation requirements; SSSCs likely need diverse funding sources to conduct their work; most SSSCs provide many remote services; and state legislation and SSSC operations play a role in shaping services.