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Study of the Police Records and Communication System - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration - Police Technical Assistance Report

NCJ Number
C D Hale
Date Published
34 pages
The results of an onsite analysis of the communications and records system of the Elgin Police Department (Illinois) are reported.
The study was concerned primarily with the receipt, recording, processing, and dissemination of information about police activities and the analytical and statistical data derived therefrom. It found that the records and communications systems exhibit many commendable features. Incident reporting and records processing are relatively uncomplicated and efficient operations. Information is processed promptly and with a minimum of undue delay and duplication. The basic problems identified were the physical separation of the records and communications functions, leading to inadequate supervision, control, and coordination and incomplete and inaccurate field reporting. Additional shortcomings were failure to arrange records personnel work schedules to allow for additional hours and unnecessarily requiring records personnel to relieve the city switchboard operator. A lack of storage space for equipment failure and to take full advantage of existing computer capabilities are also faulted. Recommendations for improving operations are included. An organizational chart, diagrams, and sample investigator activity logs are supplied.