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Study on Relations of Junior and Senior High School Students' Identity With Family and School to Their Delinquency: Relationships Between Identity With Family and Delinquency

NCJ Number
Reports of the National Research Institute of Police Science Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Dated: (December 1990) Pages: 1-13
Y Takahashi; S Suzuki; C Shishido; J Kobayashi; K Hoshino
Date Published
13 pages
Information from a questionnaire survey of 682 junior high school students and 883 senior high school students in 6 Japanese studies formed the basis of an analysis of the factors which strengthen youths' ties with their families and the relationship between delinquency and identity with the family.
Results showed that, compared to students who had weak ties with their families, the students who had strong ties frequently contacted their parents and trusted them, were understood by their parents, and seemed to have a good relationship with them. In addition, they had not been left alone since childhood and had a role in their family, and they were seldom opposed in doing what they would like to do. Moreover, their families placed a high value not only on their studies at school but also on other activities outside their studies. The parents encouraged these youth to take part in sports and hobbies. Overall, these youths enjoyed home life and rarely committed acts of misbehavior or delinquency. Tables (Author abstract modified)