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Substance, Scholarship, and Science of Research on Violence Against Women: A Comment

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Dated: April 2009 Pages: 420-424
David A. Ford
Date Published
April 2009
5 pages
This paper comments on an article which argues the challenges facing the substance, scholarship, and science of research in the field of violence against women (VAW).
Carol Jordan’s article, “Advancing the Study of Violence Against Women: Evolving Research Agendas Into Science,” is applauded for enhancing the scientific rigor of research on VAW. Jordan’s article raises some thought-provoking issues regarding the maturation, rigor, and value of research on VAW. It argues that it is hard to do VAW research and that the task is not made easier by inadequate levels of support, including funding, infrastructure, and the synergy of a community of scientists. It is believed that research in the field of VAW, as well as any field would benefit from the theory or methods of multiple disciplines. Jordan’s article makes an important case for expecting more of research on VAW. Even though a great deal of knowledge has emerged during the past few decades, there is still a need for longitudinal, quasi-experimental, and experimental study designs, as well as increased funding to ensure greater attention from concerned scholars with a bent toward scientific inquiry with policy implications. References