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Summary of the White Paper on Crime, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
175 pages
The 1991 White Paper on crime in Japan focuses primarily on crime trends and activities related to the treatment of offenders during the previous year.
The review of 1990 crime trends discusses penal code offenses and offenses against special laws and compares these trends with those in other countries. Trends are highlighted in specific areas, including drug offenses, organized crime, traffic offenses, offenses by mentally disordered persons, terrorist activities, and offenses by female offenders. The treatment of Japanese offenders ranges from prosecution, trial, and incarceration to rehabilitation through release on parole, probationary supervision, and pardons. The chapter on juvenile delinquency examines treatment proceedings for delinquents; the prosecution of juvenile delinquents; juvenile classification homes, training schools, and prisons; and juvenile probation and parole. The final section discusses the impact of an aging society on crime trends, prosecution and trial, incarceration, and rehabilitation.