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Supplement to the State Court Model Statistical Dictionary

NCJ Number
Date Published
84 pages
This supplement to the State Court Model Statistical Dictionary provides entry revisions to the first edition, data sets for juvenile petition types and adjudication outcomes not included in the first edition, classification schemes for court case processing not included in the first edition, and new entries for additional related terms needed to explain terms in the new definitions.

The revisions to the first edition affect only the caseload inventory scheme and manner of disposition for trial court cases. Specifically, changes are made in traffic case types and juvenile case types, and juvenile petition adjudication outcomes are added to the 'manner of disposition' classification scheme. In addition, the 'other' case type categories have been changed to 'miscellaneous' to avoid confusion with data the States are reporting as 'other.' Classification schemes for 'events in court case processing' are added, along with a number of new unrelated term entries that explain how these sets of events can be used by court managers to assess the pace of litigation, as well as to set standards for case processing and to monitor court adherence to those standards. For courts in the early stages of developing an information system, the minimum data elements are indicated with a double asterisk, while the additional data elements needed by a court in a transition stage are indicated with a single asterisk. The entire index from the Statistical Dictionary is given at the end of this document, with the new entries from the supplement inserted and indicated with a supplement page number. The page numbers of unchanged entries in the first edition remain the same. The entire dictionary should be used with the supplement; the index tells which volume and page to consult for the correct entry.
