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Survey: Probation Officers Supervise Over 1.5 Million Offenders

NCJ Number
Corrections Compendium Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Dated: (June-July 1990) Pages: 9-19
S P Davis
Date Published
11 pages
A survey conducted by Corrections Compendium revealed that 18,828 probation officers were supervising 1,524,150 men and women on probation at the end of 1989.
At least 34 probation departments planned to add new positions during 1990 to keep up with the rising number of offenders. The average probation caseload was 81, ranging from 346 in North Dakota to 31 in the District of Columbia. In Canada, 1,068 probation officers supervised 64,239 cases and had an average caseload of 60. Entry level salaries averaged $20,856 in 1989, compared to $18,600 in 1987. The overall average salary in 1989 was $25,819. Many departments assign officers to specialized caseloads such as intensive supervision, presentence investigations, sex offenders, and alcohol and other drug cases. The turnover rate of officers averages about 10 percent in the United States and 7.3 percent in Canada. Tables