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Survey of Services Provided by Pre-release Centers in the NYS (New York State) Department of Correctional Services

NCJ Number
L I Morgenbesser
Date Published
25 pages
Following an overview of the prerelease centers operated by New York State's Department of Correctional Services, this report presents the findings from a 1980 survey of services in 17 centers.
The prerelease program began with the development of the Green Haven Center in 1972 which offered postrelease services such as employment and counseling to inmates who were to be released from prison in an effort to facilitate the development of release plans suitable for Parole Board approval. Using both inmate and civilian staff, the program expanded to other institutions and encompassed contacts with outside agencies and information services. In 1980, State corrections officials affirmed their commitment to the prerelease concept through an evaluation grant and statewide meetings with center staff on standardizing services. Prerelease centers will be implemented at all facilities, and 11 core services which all centers should deliver have been specified. Responses to questionnaires mailed to 17 centers in August 1980 regarding their services indicated that all programs provided client needs assessment, maintained contacts with outside agencies, secured reasonable assurance letters for inmates, and helped individuals with resumes. Services offered by most centers included orientation, assistance with social security and veterans' benefits, peer counseling, parole seminars, resocialization classes, and job interviews. Based on data collected from center directors, a program typology was constructed that identified type of center staff, focus of activities, and type of delivery of specialized seminars. Future program planning should examine recent studies documenting the beneficial effects of peer counseling. Responses of the prerelease centers to individual questionnaire items are detailed and then summarized in a table. Footnotes and the questionnaire are included.