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Survey Shows Overwhelming Support for Community Corrections Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
Data are provided from a 1991 national survey of public attitudes toward community corrections programs, accompanied by a news release and a memorandum that summarize survey results.
The survey question explained the nature of community corrections and the arguments for and against it and then asked the respondents their personal attitudes toward it. A total of 1,009 adults, 18 years old and over, were surveyed nationally. The sample was demographically and geographically balanced to reflect the national population. Results show that 4 out of 5 Americans favor community corrections (35 percent strongly in favor, 45 percent somewhat in favor). Support is lowest among persons 65 years old and over. Support increases with education level, ranging from 73 percent in favor among those not completing high school to 86 percent in favor among those with postgraduate education. Support is higher among blacks and other ethnic groups (86 percent) than among whites (78 percent). Support is highest in the Mountain and Pacific regions (89 percent) and among those who identify themselves as being "very liberal." It is low among those who identify themselves as "very conservative" (84 percent and 70 percent respectively). The survey question and the demographic breakdown of the data are provided.


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