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Synthesized Media Environment Systems - An Evaluation

NCJ Number
Date Published
83 pages
This report assesses the usefulness and viability for Dade County, Fla., police of a stress reaction simulator training program -- the Simulated Media Environment Program (SME-24) used in Flint, Mich. It compares the SMF-24 to other available systems, including the Los Angeles Police Department's DEFT System, MTI shoot-don't shoot films, the Naval Investigative Unit's system, and others.
The report describes the technical aspects of the SME-24, including its equipment, maintenance, branching, stress-level measurement, and safety. Program quality is assessed in terms of software scenarios, visual and auditory clarity, training issues, accuracy, psychological effect, cost, and reliability of the developing company. The SME-24 also is compared with other training options, including systems operated by the Secret Service, the Police Foundation, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. The report looks into how simulator training fits in with the needs of Dade County and discusses police comments on system viability. Cost and technical data are appended.