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Technical Assistance Visit to the County Prosecutor - Cumberland County, New Jersey - Report, December 3-4, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
56 pages
This report presents a management analysis of specific problems related to resource allocations in the office of the Prosecuting Attorney for Cumberland County, N.J.
The problems were caused by the office's recent charge from a part-time office to a full-time office. The visit by a technical assistance team to the Cumberland County Prosecuting Attorney's office focused on such management areas as case processing, paper flow, and indexing. In addition, special programs and space utilization were examined, to determine if they were serving the office as efficiently as possible. The technical assistance team recommended bringing the office to a totally full-time status, implementing better case screening procedures, improving staffing of the investigations unit, providing the office with certain office equipment, and creating intake and disposition statistics using the new case taking system. Additional recommendations and a system overview are provided. Three appendixes provide detailed vitae of the members of the technical assistance team and various forms used in the Cumberland County prosecuting attorney's office.