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Terrorist Connection - A Pervasive Network

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1985) Pages: 189-197
R H Ward
Date Published
9 pages
The need for information and intelligence is a primary prerequisite for combating terrorism.
Although there is much speculation about an international terrorist network, there is little scientific proof to support this notion. The author reviews the development of a computer-designed system for the analysis of information in a way which is applicable to medium and smaller sized police departments. The study utilized ''open source' material in the area of terrorism to test the feasibility of conducting network analysis to determine relationships between individuals and groups. Given the availability of powerful microcomputers the author advances the notion that police departments can expand their intelligence capabilities within a reasonable budget. The author also addresses the problem of legal restrictions, the right to privacy and freedom of information as it relates to this area. (Publisher abstract)