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Texas Crime Report, 1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
72 pages
This report on crime in Texas during 1977 was compiled from data submitted by 666 sheriffs and chiefs of police whose jurisdictions represent 98.2 percent of the State's population.
Texas Index crime analysis is presented in terms of volume, violent crime, property crime clearances, stolen property value, stolen and recovered property, value of property lost, clearance rates, violent/nonviolent crime, and Index crimes breakdown. In addition, data are presented on the crimes of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny/theft, and motor vehicle theft. All of the above are presented in terms of volume, population group, and persons arrested. Also listed are Texas Index crimes by contributor, Texas arrest data, and Texas law enforcement officers killed or assaulted. The appendix contains a glossary of terms. Tables, maps, and graphs are provided.