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Time Intervals for Indictable Proceedings in Magistrates' Courts: October 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
A survey conducted in October 1991 gathered information regarding the time taken to process indictable offenses in magistrates' courts in England and Wales.
Results revealed that the average time was 124 days, a slight increase from the 123 days reported in October 1990. The length of time from charge or summons to first listing and from first listing to completion declined, but this decline was offset by an increase in the average time interval from offense to charge or summons; This pattern was found in 1991 as a whole. In addition, for cases in which the defendant received a summons rather than a charge, the average length of time from offense to completion increased significantly from 198 to 211 days. Moreover, the time taken from the first listing to completion increased by 2 days to 40 days for summary trials with guilty pleas, but declined for most other types of proceeding. Tables, figures, and notes


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