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Tougher Times in Prisons

NCJ Number
Engineering News-Record Dated: (June 15, 1992) Pages: 26,29-30,32
T Ichniowski
Date Published
4 pages
Corrections agencies are finding many ways to reduce the costs of new prison construction through economies of scale, alternative financing, and more rapid delivery and construction methods.
The rapidly increasing need for prison space, coupled with fiscal constraints, have prompted corrections agencies to seek ways to reduce construction costs. However, the attractiveness of the newer facilities has not declined as a result of the cost- cutting efforts. Rapid construction methods being used include design-build, fast-tracking, and prefabricated cells. In addition, much larger institutions are being built, and low, medium, and even maximum-security facilities are being grouped together so that they can share infrastructure. Other new developments include automating many staff functions, accommodating inmates' computer needs related to education, and providing advanced health care centers to deal with the rise in infectious diseases. Efforts to reduce operating costs include the use of video conferencing and cheaper systems for opening and closing doors. Other alternatives being considered are privatization and lease-purchase. Photographs


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