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Tragedy of Elder Abuse: The Problem and the Response -- Hearing Before the House Subcommittee on Housing and Consumer Interests, July 1, 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
57 pages
Elderly abuse victims and representatives of the legal community, the medical community, human services, and the media testify before the House Subcommittee on Housing and Consumer interests regarding the extent of abuse of the elderly in Tennessee, State and local responses to it, and proposals for Federal assistance.
Victims of elderly abuse and their family members describe emotional, physical, and financial abuse in the home and in institutions. Representatives of the television and print media in two Tennessee cities describe media public awareness campaigns against elderly abuse, and a representative of the medical community comments on the extent of abuse of the elderly and responses to it by the medical community. Representatives of adult protective services, legal services, and the Social Security Administration testify on responses to elderly abuse in their fields. Relevant State laws mentioned by witnesses include a statewide public guardianship program for the elderly, which provides a public guardian for the elderly in each development district, and a reporting law. Among the recommendations for Federal action is the establishment of a National Center on Adult Abuse and Neglect to collect and disseminate state-of-the-art information and fund research and demonstration projects. Supplementary information is provided.


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