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Training Aboriginal Field Workers (From Improving Access to Justice: The Future of Paralegal Professionals -- Conference Proceedings, 1990, Canberra, Australia, P 113-115, 1991, Julia Vernon and Francis Regan, eds. -- See NCJ-129734)

NCJ Number
D Williams; S Sparrow
Date Published
3 pages
Aboriginal field police workers in Australia need a high degree of commitment, good communication skills, confidence, assertiveness, initiative, and a thorough knowledge of particular elements of law and procedure.
An effective Aboriginal legal education course must be designed and controlled by the Aboriginal community, since major areas of prejudice and discrimination against Aboriginal people are found in the legal and educational systems. A law course has the potential to alienate Aboriginal students. It is only as students come to see the course as their own that they will learn and grow within it. Traditionally, Aboriginal people learn by observation and experience, and many have had little formal education. Consequently, they are immediately at a disadvantage when faced with traditional course entry standards and assessment methods. This raises a dilemma for course coordinators and employers who want to ensure a fair opportunity for disadvantaged groups while maintaining high standards. In designing an effective curriculum, it may be necessary to focus on the desired outcome and work back from there.