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Trends in the Incidence of Drug Use in the United States, 1919-1992

NCJ Number
R A Johnson; D R Gerstein; R Ghadialy; W Choy
Date Published
166 pages
This report presents data on trends and demographic patterns in incidence of drug use in the United States.

Estimates in this report are based on the combined 1991-93 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA), a database of approximately 90,000 respondent records. The estimates are weighted to represent the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States. Analyses are reported separately for the following categories: Alcohol (any use and regular use); Cigarettes (any use and regular use); Marijuana, Cocaine, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Heroin (ever used); and Stimulants, Analgesics, Tranquilizers, Sedatives (ever used nonmedically). The report also discusses the measurement of the incidence of drug use; reviews the NHSDA questionnaire instruments; defines the statistical measures of incidence that are used in the report; discusses the sociodemographic control variables used; and explains the methods of sample weighting, statistical testing, and the rules for suppression of estimates that are insufficiently precise. Notes, figures, tables, appendix, references