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Trends in Traffic

NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages
Trends in drug trafficking are explored.
The role of New York City in the trafficking in and distribution of heroin, cocaine, dangerous drugs such as PCP and LSD, and marijuana is examined. According to this report, New York City continues to be the most significant heroin importation and distribution center in the United States. Anecdotal evidence in support of this conclusion is provided. Methods used by various heroin trafficking groups are described. The arrest of eight members of the Willis Avenue Lynch Mob is noted. According to this report, New York City also remains one of the top cocaine retail markets and wholesale trafficking centers. Several cocaine seizures are described. The use of cocaine throughout New York State is assessed. Illicitly manufactured dangerous drugs other than PCP are not a major problem in New York City; however, upstate regions of New York State have experienced problems with these drugs. Methamphetamine, LSD, and commonly abused pharmaceuticals are discussed. Marijuana is widely available throughout New York City and New York State.


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