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Triads and Asian Crimes

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
This bibliography, compiled by the Ontario Police College Library in Canada, contains 38 citations dealing with triads and Asian crimes.
The books and journal articles cover the 1971-1992 period. The 14 book citations cover such topics as the Chinese Mafia, the Chinese subculture and criminality, Chinese triad societies, organized crime and street gangs in Asia and the United States, juvenile delinquency in an American Chinatown, organized crime of Asian origin, secret societies in China in the 19th and 20th centuries, triad societies in Hong Kong, and Japan's criminal underworld. The 24 journal citations look at Asian crime in Canada, Asian organized crime, immigrant gangs, youth gangs, Chinese triad societies, the collection of intelligence on Chinese triads in Holland, Asian gangs in the United States, the Indochinese community, organized crime in Boston's Chinatown, Asian gangs in Canadian cities, triad and crime gangs of Vietnamese origin, triad societies in Hong Kong, and the triad threat in New Zealand.