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Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance Program: Program Performance Report, July-December 2013

NCJ Number
Jimmy Steyee
Date Published
October 2014
14 pages
Performance data are reported for July-December 2013 from grantees of the Federal Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance (TCCLA) Program, which was created to improve the operations of and access to tribal justice systems.
The report covers the grants awarded in FY 2010 - FY 2012, because the 2013 awards had not yet become operational. The report's three sections address the hiring of personnel and legal code development, civil legal assistance services, and criminal legal assistance services. Overall, the performance data show that TCCLA grantees are fulfilling the intent of the program. Between July and December 2013, 1,251 new civil and criminal cases were provided legal assistance. A total of 1,446 civil and criminal cases were closed during the 6 months examined. Also during this period, 23,205 hours of legal assistance4 were provided to civil clients and criminal defendants. Approximately 90 percent of the cases provided legal assistance services were in tribal courts. Grant funds were used to hire 112 full-time attorneys. Twenty-two new civil and criminal codes were implemented, and 77 were updated or amended. 15 tables