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Twenty-Six Point Action Plan: Listen to the Silent Witnesses; Report to the People of Alaska

NCJ Number
Date Published
57 pages
This report on Alaska's Governor's Domestic Violence Summit features a 26-point action plan to improve the State's response to domestic violence.
During the Summit in December 1997, the national and State experts, along with the 96 delegates identified some overall concerns with domestic violence in Alaska. Over the course of 2 days, Alaska's response to domestic violence was assessed. The first day of the Summit featured detailed discussions of the more difficult domestic violence issues facing Alaska. A series of presentations given by State and national experts examined the "vital signs" in eight domestic violence areas from both civil and criminal perspectives: victims' programs, children and youth, law enforcement, prosecutions, judiciary, corrections, batterers' intervention programs, and training and coordination. The presentations were designed to assist the delegates in identifying issues that could be addressed by the focus groups on the second day. On the second day of the Summit, delegates divided into eight focus groups to provide an in-depth assessment of key areas of Alaska's response. Each focus group identified problems in its area and proposed action plans to address these problems. The topics of the focus groups were the same as the eight topics introduced by speakers on the first day of the Summit. A 26-point action plan emerged from a compilation of the recommendations of the eight focus groups. This plan frames the problem, the solution, the steps necessary to achieve the solution, and the measures of effectiveness.