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NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 41 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1993) Pages: 50-52,57- 58
T Yates
Date Published
5 pages
At least four police agencies believe that motorcycles are effective for police officers, even in cold weather.
Motorcycles give police officers much more mobility than do patrol cars, and the continuing miniaturization of equipment has reduced the disadvantage of their limited carrying capacity. Surprisingly, many law enforcement agencies use their motorcycles throughout the year. The police agencies of Strathclyde, Scotland, as well as Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Reno, Nev. all use motorcycles in winter and summer. Each department looks for volunteer officers who are experienced riders and conduct training that emphasizes low-speed handling, braking exercises, U- turns, evasive maneuvers, and cone weaves. Seattle requires officers to requalify twice a year and runs training courses each spring and winter. The agencies also use heavier clothing during the cold or rainy seasons. The agencies have found that motorcycle officers can operate safely and effectively in winter. However, the motorcycles are less stable than cars in slippery conditions and may not be able to go through deep snow. The wind chill factor is probably the greatest deterrent to winter riding, sometimes preventing the use of motorcycles for several days each year. However, training, common sense, and adequate weather protection allow these agencies to use the speed and maneuverability of motorcycles almost 365 days per year. Photographs


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