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United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI): Annual Report, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
In 1991, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) responded to the emergence of new sectors, topics, and experiences relevant to the criminal justice needs of the member states. In addition to a continuation of UNICRI research projects, the Institute's training program was expanded and fundraising activities were diversified and intensified.
UNICRI collaborated with the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch of the Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and regional U.N. Institutes for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in various research projects and conferences. The Institute also established a Scientific Committee on Drug Related Activities to assist in the planning and implementation of activities and to guarantee coordination with other U.N. entities in the field of drug control. This report outlines the ways in which UNICRI promoted and conducted international research, the various training courses and seminars offered by the Institute, and technical cooperative efforts. It also covers UNICRI library and documentation services. A calendar of relevant events and a list of UNICRI publications and staff papers are included.


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