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Urban Mass Transit Security

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Dated: (February 1982) Pages: 72-75,78,81-83,85
J J Strauchs
Date Published
11 pages
Methods of solving the problems of mass transit security programs are discussed, with attention to a systems approach to security. Security practices in the St. Paul-Minneapolis transit system are described.
Weaknesses of mass transit systems include the lack of research studies being conducted, the failure to target routes that are poorly patronized, and the failure to incorporate security requirements during the early stages of design development. Good security practices are often not followed because designers are unfamiliar with transportation security problems and equipment and because of the costs involved. An effective security program integrates architectural, equipment, and procedural solutions to potential threats. An effective way to decide on the best security alternatives and to accomplish a continuing review is through a systems approach to security. A systems approach uses risk projections based on historical data and analytical tools, such as fault tree analysis and failure mode and effects analysis to ensure that security is adequate. The analytical techniques available to a security systems professional can help determine what combinations of equipment, procedures, and personnel are most appropriate within given cost limitations. The analysis must be reviewed frequently to ascertain whether the threat has changed, calling for a change in response. The Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) of St. Paul and Minneapolis relies on local law enforcement to protect the transit system, the third largest all-bus transit system in the United States. MTC staff cooperates with local authorities by reporting rapidly any instances of danger to the public safety. A few police officers are employed part-time by the MTC to ride certain problem-prone bus routes in plain clothes. A description of some problems common to many transit systems (i.e., fare disputes, property security) and the solutions implemented by MTC is presented. The need for municipal ordinances and a standard system of developing and analyzing transit crime statistics is emphasized. The articles include a sample fault tree analysis worksheet, an outline of security analysis methods, an outline of the transit security officer's responsibilities, and a discussion of neoprene foam in train seat cushions.