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Urban Policy and Proximity Justice in France

NCJ Number
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: (1996) Pages: 64-73
J Faget; A Wyvekens
Date Published
10 pages
This article discusses France's urban policy that focuses on crime prevention, followed by a review of the various attempts of judicial policies to adapt to this policy through the establishment of "proximity justice."
A comprehensive urban strategy by the French Government focuses on improvement in living and housing conditions, increased employment, reinforcement of public service, social and cultural programs, and crime prevention. The latter encompasses such objectives as the prevention of recidivism, help for crime victims, protection of high-risk school and public transportation, and community policing. The pressure exerted by both the evolution of public policies and by field requirements has led to the development of a judicial urban policy, whose objective is to bring justice back to the city by creating easier access for justice for underprivileged social groups. Judicial urban policy aims to achieve the goals of both humanization of judicial responses and internal efficiency. The development of "proximity justice" is one aspect of this policy. This phrase is used to refer to informal, negotiated justice similar to that practiced by juvenile judges. "Proximity" is indicative of providing a justice that is closer to the needs of those affected by it. Court actions are designed more to recreate social bonds between offenders and victims or between conflicting parties than in imposing the classic authoritarianism of penal law. The implementation of "proximity justice" is an effort to structure the state's intervention in crime and social disorder to effect justice and social order, but without oppressive policies that aggravate the conditions of underprivileged social groups. 9 references