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U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, 1981 Appropriation Hearings

NCJ Number
Date Published
160 pages
This document presents the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) proposed budget for fiscal year 1981 and the transcript and materials from the hearing conducted by a subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations on March 5, 1980 to consider the budget.
The $208,605,000 request was $14,769,000 over the appropriations enacted for the current fiscal year as of the hearing date. It represented a net increase of $6,888,000 and 18 positions over the pending 1980 appropriation of $201,717,000 and 4,074 positions. The proposed budget reduces the positions for foreign cooperative investigations, forensic laboratory services, and State and local task forces and increases positions for domestic drug law enforcement and funding for diversion investigative units and technology. The DEA administrator noted the continuing challenge of the heroin situation, the continued development of the El Paso Intelligence Center, the increased use of the money laundering and forfeiture laws, the need for bail reform, and efforts to cooperate with Colombia. Other DEA staff also gave oral and written presentations. Tables, figure, and maps


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