The Justice Department's mission is "to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide Federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; to administer and enforce the Nation's immigration laws fairly and effectively; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans." The core values of the Strategic Plan are equal justice under the law, honesty and integrity, commitment to excellence, and respect for the worth and dignity of each human being. There are eight strategic goals. One is to protect Americans against the threat of terrorism, and a second is to enforce Federal criminal laws. A third strategic goal is to prevent and reduce crime and violence by assisting State, tribal, local, and community-based programs. A fourth goal is to protect the rights and interests of the American people by legal representation, enforcement of Federal laws, and defense of U.S. interests. A fifth goal is the fair and effective administration of the immigration and naturalization laws of the United States. A sixth goal is to protect American society by providing for the safe, secure, and humane confinement of persons in Federal custody. A seventh goal is to protect the Federal judiciary and provide critical support to the Federal justice system in order to ensure that it operates effectively. The eighth goal is to ensure professionalism, excellence, accountability, and integrity in the management and conduct of Department of Justice activities and programs. For each of these eight strategic goals, a number of objectives are specified.
U.S. Department of Justice Fiscal Years 2001-2006 Strategic Plan
NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2001
163 pages
The U.S. Justice Department's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2001-2006 addresses the department's mission, core values, strategic goals, and objectives.