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Use of Anatomical Dolls by Boston-Area Professionals

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Dated: (1992) Pages: 423-428
K A Kendall-Tackett; M W Watson
Date Published
6 pages
A sample of 201 Boston-area law enforcement officers, child protection workers, mental health workers, and physicians were interviewed to provide information on the characteristics of professionals who use anatomical dolls, situations when professionals are most likely to use the dolls, and presentation of the dolls to children.
Over 70 percent of the subjects had used anatomical dolls. Mental health professionals were more likely to use the dolls than law enforcement officers. Nearly 97 percent of those who used the dolls had received training and 77.8 percent followed a standard protocol. The training included written and taped instruction, workshops and courses, professional meetings, and information from colleagues and supervisors. Many professionals had received training from more than one source. The findings also showed that most professionals did not use leading behaviors in presenting the dolls to the children, by undressing the dolls or presenting unclothed dolls. 1 table, 2 figures, and 7 references