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Using Multi-instance Enrollment to Improve Performance of 3D Face Recognition

NCJ Number
Computer Vision and Image Understanding Volume: 112  Issue: 2 Dated: Nov 2008 Pages: 114-125
Timothy C. Faltemier; Kevin W. Bowyer; Patrick J. Flynn
Date Published
November 2008
12 pages

This study explored the use of multi-instance enrollment as a means to improve the performance of 3D face recognition.


Experiments were performed using the ND-2006 3D face data set, which contains 13,450 scans of 888 subjects. This is the largest 3D face data set currently available and contains a substantial amount of varied facial expression. Results indicate that the multi-instance enrollment approach outperforms a state-of-the-art component-based recognition approach, in which the face to be recognized is considered as an independent set of regions. (Publisher Abstract)