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Using Technology to Prepare for the 21st Century

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Dated: July 1999 Pages: 96-99
Peggy Ritchie-Matsumoto
Date Published
4 pages
This article examines the use of information technology in corrections.
Staying abreast of technology, understanding it and using it effectively is a great challenge for correctional agencies. Technology affects not only equipment and information systems but also people, policies, and the architecture of organizations. Traditional management techniques based on authority and politically driven decision-making must yield to the principles of Total Quality Management, which emphasizes shared decision-making within teams. In addition, procurement and personnel practices must be revolutionized along with technology changes. As a part of those changes, non-technical decision-makers must participate in information technology planning. Corrections must approach technology from both organizational and knowledge-based strategies. All corrections professionals must assess their readiness and that of their organizations as they move into the 21st century.