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Vehicle Theft Investigation Is About Looking Beyond the Traffic Stop

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 72 Issue: 11 Dated: November 2005 Pages: 30-32
Paul D. Mcclellan
Date Published
November 2005
3 pages
Reduction in auto theft, the costliest property crime in the United States, requires law enforcement managers to commit more resources to training patrol officers in detecting and recovering stolen vehicles and apprehending suspects.
Some Ohio cities that once had consistently high rates of auto theft are now reporting reductions. A major reason for this trend is improved awareness of the problem and training for street officers in detecting stolen vehicles. Since April 2004, the Ohio State Highway Patrol has provided a 1-day auto theft training class to over 200 uniformed troopers, who are sharing their training with other troopers. Also, in November 2004, the Ohio Sate Highway Patrol began an auto theft investigator training program for selected officers. It gives these officers in-depth training in the methods of organized, skilled auto thieves and the investigative techniques that can lead to their apprehension. As part of building officers' knowledge base and skills in countering auto theft, shift supervisors must improve their knowledge and awareness of auto theft activity and instruct their officers in auto theft investigation techniques. In making traffic stops, officers must be trained to anticipate and look for signs that the vehicle may be stolen. Of particular concern is the possibility that vehicle theft may be related to a terrorist operation. Officers should also be schooled in the recognition of signs that an identified stolen vehicle may be linked to a terrorist or other criminal operation, such as drug trafficking. As part of its training, police departments should maintain data on the times and locations that vehicle thefts occur and include this information in the crime analysis briefing provided to officers at the beginning of their shifts. Knowing the times and locations of a jurisdiction's vehicle thefts enables managers to direct patrol efforts accordingly.