This report contains data from an evaluation survey designed to elicit information from Vermont law enforcement personnel regarding the Vermont Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force.
Specifically, the survey was designed to determine how the drug task force was perceived within Vermont municipal police departments, sheriffs' departments, and State police departments. The goal was to measure the responses of departmental personnel who have had frequent contact with the drug task force. The study sample was drawn from 80 Vermont law enforcement agencies. The evaluation survey was mailed on or about September 29, 1993. It focused on accomplishments and system changes, drug availability and drug control, concerns regarding the task force, interface and responsiveness, communication, personnel, and future issues. The sheriffs' departments had some major concerns about task force operations, although they have not had much service or contact with the task force; this may have affected their negative ratings. Further, apparently the task force has not optimally met respondents' needs for communication and information exchange. Respondents indicated there have been criminal justice system improvements through task force efforts, but they report that the task force has had a limited impact on drug control. In the future, respondents want to reduce drugs within local communities by targeting drug traffickers/distributors. 33 tables and appended evaluation survey