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Victim and Witness Assistance

NCJ Number
Date Published
67 pages
This report examines the following victim/witness issues in Connecticut and recommends corrective measures: current programs, compensation, restitution, notification procedures, victims as participants in criminal proceedings, victim services, and training of criminal justice personnel.
Findings and recommendations are based on research and extensive interviewing of criminal justice experts and practitioners, public officials, and victims. The Citizens Crime Commission found that Connecticut lacks a comprehensive approach for addressing the needs of victims and witnesses and providing services. It recommends increasing the amount and availability of financial compensation and expanding victim/witness assistance programs. The Commission also concluded that Connecticut law unfairly denies compensation benefits to certain victims of spouse and child abuse and underutilizes restitution as a sentencing option. In addition, there are no coordinated procedures to inform victims of the status of criminal cases in which they are involved and no systematic method for notifying witnesses for duty. Victims are not automatically notified of hearings in which they have a right to be participants; opportunities for victims to participate in proceedings such as parole hearings are extremely limited. Few social services are specifically tailored to help crime victims, and victims and witnesses do not receive adequate protection from intimidation. Finally, the State does not sufficiently educate criminal justice officials about the problems of victims and witnesses. The report provides an executive summary, 24 references, a bibliography, and appendixes containing a review of victim compensation and advocacy services in California and New Jersey, cost estimates for an expanded victim/witness program, a model job description of a victim/witness advocate, Connecticut's present law, and a model statute.


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