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Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program: Fiscal Year 2017 Data Analysis Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2018
12 pages
This report analyzes the data for the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017.
Overall, these data provide an overview of the victim assistance efforts being undertaken throughout the country. Grantees and local service organizations can use these data to identify potential changes, trends, or gaps in victim services, so as to provide direction for the expansion and improvement of victim services. In FY 2017, just over $1.8 billion was allocated to the Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program. Fifty-six grantees funded 9,422 sub-awards to 6,867 sub-grantee organizations. These organizations provided assistance to 5,088,858 crime victims for the first time. VOCA-funded service providers also assisted just over 675,000 anonymous contacts through hotlines, online chats, Internet forums, and other services. Data are provided on the number of various types of organizations that provided compensation and other services to crime victims. These agencies included multi-service agencies, prosecutor services, domestic-family violence/sexual assault service providers, and campus-based victim services. Data are provided on victim demographics, type of victimization, and types and number of services provided. Notable trends and emerging issues are noted.