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Victims' Rights Sourcebook: A Compilation and Comparison of Victims' Rights Laws, 1996

NCJ Number
Date Published
416 pages
This volume contains victims' rights statutes in effect in the United States through 1995.

The Sourcebook was produced through the use of the National Victim Center's legislative database, which contains tens of thousands of statutes relating to the rights and interests of crime victims. The book is presented in the following chapters: (1) Overview, Definitions and Disclaimers; (2) Constitutional Rights for Crime Victims; (3) The Right to Notice; (3.1) Community Notification of the Release of Sex Offenders; (4) The Right to Protection from Offender Harm; (5) The Right to Confer With Prosecutor; (6) The Right to Prompt Return of Victims' Property; (7) Payment for Forensic Exams of Sexual Assault Victims; (8) HIV Testing for Sex Offenders; (9) The Right to be Heard in the Criminal Justice Process; (10) The Right to Attend the Trial; (11) The Right to Restitution from the Offender; (12) The Right to Privacy; and (13) Victims' Rights at the Juvenile Level. Tables, notes