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Victims' Voices: Silent No More

NCJ Number
Date Published
79 pages
This is a Resource Guide to help communities plan observances of National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW).

The Guide includes the following components: public education and community awareness materials; information about electronic resources available from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service; resources for news media promotions; statistical overviews that address 16 topics relevant to crime and victimization; toll-free information and reference numbers for victim assistance; and camera-ready artwork for posters, bookmarks, buttons, cover/title page for NCVRW material, and NCVRW letterhead. All contents are organized within eight main topics: (1) Statistical Overviews and Resources; (2) Sample Proclamation; (3) Working With the Media; (4) Twenty Tips for Community Outreach; (5) Camera-Ready Artwork; (6) Landmarks in Victims' Rights and Services; (7) Maximizing Communication and Awareness; and (8) Overview of Resource Guide.