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Violence Among Arab Elementary School Pupils in Israel

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Dated: January 2006 Pages: 58-88
Wisam Marie-alsana; Muhammad M. Haj-yahia; Charles W. Greenbaum
Date Published
January 2006
31 pages
This article examines the prevalence of violence in primary schools attended by Arab children in Israel and the relationship between such exposure and violent behavior among these children.
Participants are 388 Arab children (aged 10 to 12 years) living in 3 localities in Israel. The research focuses on three of the child's roles in relation to violence: witness, victim, and perpetrator. An adapted Arabic translation of the Violence Exposure Scale-Revised is administered to children in group settings. The children report more exposure to moderate levels than to severe levels of violence. Boys are exposed to more violence as victims, and witness and perpetrate more violence than girls do. Multiple regression analysis shows that the experience of being a victim predicts violent behavior in the children, above the effects of age and gender. The limitations of the study and its implications for future research and theory development are discussed. (Published Abstract)