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Violence in Known-Assailant Sexual Assaults

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: June 1998 Pages: 398-412
L Stermac; J Du Mont; S Dunn
Date Published
15 pages
This study examines characteristics of sexual assaults committed by different types of assailants known to the victim in a community sample of women.
The study examined both victim self-reports and external observations. To determine whether relationship status was associated with specific assault characteristics, the study focused specifically on the degree of assailant-victim familiarity, dividing assailants into strangers, acquaintances known for a brief period of time, acquaintances known for a longer period of time, and current or previous husbands or boyfriends. Assailant-victim relationship status in sexual assault was associated with violence-related assault characteristics. Violence and trauma variables, however, were not related in a linear manner to the degree of familiarity between assailants and victims. Rather, sexual assaults committed by current or previous husbands and boyfriends were most similar to those committed by strangers and characterized by a significant degree of violence and physical trauma to the victim. Tables, notes, figures, references