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Vital Childhood Lessons: The Role of Parenting in Preventing Sexual Coercion (From Sexual Coercion: A Sourcebook on its Nature, Causes, and Prevention, P 123-132, 1991, Elizabeth Grauerholz, Mary A Koralewski, eds. -- See NCJ-128585)

NCJ Number
A Parrot
Date Published
10 pages
The chapter discusses how parents can change socialization messages for children about sex roles and sexual assault, thereby helping to prevent children from involvement in sexually coercive situations as victims or assailants. The chapter focuses primarily on sexual coercion in which the victim and the assailant know each other.
The basic idea presented by the chapter is that, if parents socialize their children to believe that they are worthwhile, to reject media images of the ideal woman/man, to understand that it is acceptable to discuss problems with sexual body parts and behaviors, and not to be embarrassed about their bodies, children will be better able to avoid sexual victimization. The discussion starts with a look at the traditional gender socialization of males and females. The author then suggests several alternative parenting strategies to develop healthier, child-centered children with clear values and positive self-esteem. Nine messages about child sexual abuse prevention are listed to be given to children. The relationship in the prevention education between parents and school concludes the discussion.